IF, Intermittent Fasting Meg Fittsgill IF, Intermittent Fasting Meg Fittsgill

The Cautions of Intermittent Fasting: An Experiment

Read to find my surprising results from a month of intermittent fasting (IF).

Intermittent fasting (IF) is popular for its potential health benefits, but it's crucial to understand that the process of healing and balancing our bodies isn’t always linear. Let me share my own journey, an eye-opener, on how powerful food is and how it can impact our bodies.

Recently, my hormonal balance seemed to be thrown off gear, which was quite surprising for me, and the trigger was - intermittent fasting. I had hormonal acne (REALLY?!?!). I had headaches. I had lower back pain. Worst of all, to my shock, my period arrived a whole seven days early. The only change that had occurred in my lifestyle was the timing of when I consumed more or less carbs and fat in my diet.

Initially, I was under the impression that I had "messed up" my hormone balance. However, I had to remind myself of a key lesson I learned through the Nutritional Therapy Association - healing is rarely a linear journey. As our bodies change and heal, it can stir up things, leading to temporary discomfort.

This experience served as a stark reminder of the profound power of food. My diet remained the same; the only thing I altered was the timing of my meals, and yet, this minor adjustment led to significant hormonal shifts. This realization allowed me to appreciate the potency of food as medicine.

I have decided to continue my personal experiment with IF for a few more months, hoping that these hormonal upheavals are temporary blips in the healing process. I promise to share more details should the results turn out well. But for those considering intermittent fasting, remember to approach with caution and listen to your body's signals as you embark on this journey.

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My Hormone Healing Journey: The Power of Food as Medicine

Recently, I experienced an unexpected turn in my hormone healing journey, which led me to a profound realization about the power of food as medicine.

Recently, I experienced an unexpected turn in my hormone healing journey, which led me to a profound realization about the power of food as medicine. To my surprise, I started my period a whole seven days early. Before this, I had been under the impression that my hormones were perfectly balanced. When these symptoms surfaced, my initial thought was that I had somehow disrupted this balance.
However, I was quickly reminded of an essential lesson I've learned through the Nutritional Therapy Association — healing is rarely a linear journey. As your body evolves and heals, it can stir up certain issues, which might temporarily make you feel worse.
This recent experience served as a stark reminder of the potent medicinal properties of food. Interestingly, I haven't altered what I'm eating in the slightest. The sole change I've made in this experiment is the timing of when I consume more or less carbs and fat. The fact that these minor tweaks to my diet could incite such significant hormonal shifts is genuinely intriguing.
I've resolved to continue with my personal experiment for a few more months, remaining hopeful that this is but a temporary blip in the healing process. Should it yield positive results, I promise to share more details. Once again, this journey has underscored the fact that food truly is our most powerful medicine. Stay tuned for more insights from my hormone healing journey!
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Meg Fittsgill Meg Fittsgill

Do affirmations work?

Step-by-steps to make affirmations more effective

Have you ever wondered if affirmations are effective?

If so, you are not alone. For a long time I have questioned whether or not affirmations work.  However, I recently found out that the Zyto biofeedback machine I use with my clients offers personalized affirmations. Not only does it identify nutrient deficiencies that could balance and improve your health, but it now also provides encouraging words to support your healing journey!

I've started offering affirmation sessions to family, friends and clients, and the results have been fascinating! During this 15-minute biofeedback session, you learn exactly what your body needs to hear in order to be balanced and healthy. Many people have commented that it almost feels like the machine is reading their mind.

 If you want to find out your personalized affirmations, you can schedule an Affirmation Zyto Session with this link. Here are just a few examples of Zyto generated affirmations-

How to use affirmations effectively (a step-by-step guide)

Earlier this week I met with my good friend, Kathy Schlund, who happens to be a life coach and expert in the subconscious mind.  She gave me some great tips to pass along that will make using these personalized affirmations even more effective!

  1. She recommends rewriting your affirmations to make them personal to you.  For example, if the affirmation “It is easy for me to learn new things” was given to you, then you could personalize it by saying “It is easy for me to learn how to play pickleball ” (or whatever your personal goal is.)

  2. Kathy suggests transforming your affirmations into powerful, personalized stories that you can truly visualize. For example, “I'm having such a great time learning how to play pickleball! Every week I look forward to going out on the court with my racket and meeting amazing people while improving my game. Plus it feels so good knowing I'm taking steps towards bettering myself physically and socially." By crafting unique storylines around our goals we unlock opportunities of creativity and self-expression that empower us in ways beyond what 2D words could do alone!

  3. Next, record yourself reading your affirmation story with baroque style music playing in the background.

  4. By listening to this recording twice daily, even while completing mundane tasks like washing dishes or running errands, it will activate the power of your subconscious mind!

If you have questions, or want more help with the affirmation process, please reach out to Kathy at kathyschlund@gmail.com.  She has helped so many people, and I know she can help you too!


In other news, I'm now looking for a pickleball partner!

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Meg Fittsgill Meg Fittsgill

Learn the harmful effects of sugar on your body

The Restart Program can help!

Learn the harmful effects of sugar on your body

Are you looking for a nutrition program that goes beyond just counting calories and focuses on understanding your body? The Restart Program is the perfect solution. This five-week course will provide an in-depth look into how your digestive system works, the effects of sugar on the body, fats to avoid and eat, as well as provide insight into how to continue eating healthily after completing the program. By breaking down bad habits which can crush energy and leave you feeling depleted, this program is designed to help unleash amazing energy within everyone.

week 1

The first week of the Restart Program focuses on preparation - both physical and mental - so that you are ready for the next step -- going through a sugar detox.

Week 2

The second week starts with the sugar detox diet and dives deeper into digestion by teaching about what happens when food enters our bodies. You will learn about your own digestive system, which is something missing from most nutrition programs today. Because week two of the Restart Program is all about starting your sugar detox and learning about digestion, I'll teach you about how your body works when you feed it food. This part of the program helps you understand what your body needs to stay healthy, and it's vastly different from other programs because it focuses on understanding how your body works, not just counting calories or losing weight quickly.

Week 3

During the third week, we will address all aspects of sugar – learning what it does to our bodies while also identifying sugar in meals we consume regularly. You will be so surprised at how much sugar is the everyday foods we typically eat.

Week 4

Week four of the Restart Program is all about fats and understanding the latest science regarding fat. During this week, you will learn what fats to avoid and which ones are beneficial for your body. You will have access to an easy-to-follow roadmap that you can use going forward in order to make sure your body is supplied with the proper fats. This knowledge is essential if you are looking to improve your health and well-being through diet changes.

Week 5

When week five arrives, you'll be so proud of yourself and amazed at the changes in your health and wellness. After 21 days of dedication and hard work, you will have made incredible progress on your health goals. This experience will help to set the foundations for healthy living going forward. You don’t need to do a sugar detox every day, but with 80% of the time dedicated towards these principles, you can maintain great results. If you are excited about what lies ahead and want to join us in our upcoming Restart Program, be sure to check out the link below - I would love to have you on board!

Here’s looking forward to all that is yet come,


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